Tuesday, May 01, 2012

new shampoo

Last week, I tried new shampoo and conditioner. It promised to make my naturally wavy hair all curly and stuff.

The new shampoo smelled so strongly of chemicals that I could barely stand to be in the shower with it. And it made my hair straight. Not just straight. Straight and excessively greasy. And it got progressively worse. It didn't actually *clean* my hair.

So I dumped it.

I found a recipe for homemade shampoo on the internet and based on that, here is what I've done, to be tested tonight:

I had an empty 400 ml bottle with a pump. This is fantastic.

I added to it 2 tbsp baking soda, about 6 heaping teaspoons of oatmeal (ground to a fine flour in a coffee grinder), and about 60 drops each of lemon and lime essential oils.

I tested it on my  hands, after adding water and vigourously shaking it. My hands smell like awesome and my skin feels like awesome.

I'm pretty optimistic that this will be my new all in one hair wash product.

Oh, and the best part? The cost of making it was almost zilch. If you only added one essential oil or no essential oil, you'd probably be looking at about $0.25 a bottle.

So take that P&G and.... well.... okay. I know Proctor & Gamble won't care one bit if I never buy their shampoo again. But I care. And hopefully you'll be brave enough to give it a try too.

(I also have a recipe for laundry soap that I LOVE, and whenever I run out of toothpaste (we have a very large stash) I will try making some homemade toothpaste that doesn't taste like bad. Apparently the secret is mint essential oil. Who knew?)

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