Wednesday, May 16, 2012

why I no longer like bananas

I think this afternoon at work we might be meeting for chocolate covered bananas. This is the story of why I am bringing my own snack.

The first time I was in New Zealand I met a young man who I quite fancied. I decided to spend New Year's at his flat in Wellington. New Year's Eve was to be a big party, which was kicked off by a couple of bottles of chocolate dishwasher vodka, one having been made with plain milk chocolate, the other with banana flavoured chocolate.

The night, I'm quite sure, was long and fascinating. I have no recollection of going to the party. I don't know how I managed to get a back eye yet not break my glasses. And needless to say, the vodka didn't stay down.

I now have an unfortunate association of chocolate bananas and vomit.

The nice young man who I fancied is currently engaged to a lovely young woman. And I am happily married to someone else. I don't know if he still likes chocolate dishwasher vodka or not. Me? I've stayed away from it ever since, and I really don't party much ever anymore. I think the closest I get to going out and partying is being the hired bellydancer at the shisha lounge.

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