Friday, May 25, 2012

abominations and violations

I hardly know where to begin this post.

I am thinking about a friend who is overseas. Specifically, she is in Africa. But not the Africa with safaris and really expensive resorts.

My friend went over to start a non-profit to try and do something really good for the food security of the people of Africa.

Instead... someone who said he would help her tried to steal from her online banking on her laptop. The bank froze her assets until she returns to Canada.

This was over 2 months ago.

Yes, that is right. My friend has been living the African Dream. She has no money, and she lives in a room guarded by armed guards with video surveillance. Her host family is looking after her... but they are no longer interested in having penniless guests. (Yes, my friend has her young daughter with her.)

She said they've mostly been eating ground beef, and occasionally they can get ahold of the back of a chicken, and once in a blue moon she's been able to trade English lessons for an egg or two. No veggies. Fruit is plentiful but the trees are all owned... and she is not the owner.

She spent most of the first month in hospital with malaria. She wasn't all better when they let her go. Her daughter is also sick now. But that's not the worst of it. She has some sort of bacteria or fungus that is causing her legs and feet to spontaneously break out in ulcers. My best guess based on what she said the doctors told her is Buruli ulcer disease. She was taken to the hospital and the doctor removed one of her ulcers, about the same diameter as a pop can, without anesthetic. Keep in mind that ulcers can go down quite deep too. She has had no painkillers, and no antibiotics. When the dressing is changed, her wound is simply lavaged with saline, which she said they also use to "wash" the needles. I'm not entirely certain if that means the needles are sterile and getting a saline flush, or if that means they're re-use needles.

I've made arrangements to get her home on the earliest flight out. It leaves Tuesday night. This has left the Bank of Jen very close to bankrupt. She is going to need some cash for the trip home though - not just to potentially bribe the immigration officials when she leaves but to for food for the two of them on the journey home. They will be en route for more than 24 hours.

This post was going to be about the abomination and human rights violation that passes for a Beninoise hospital and medical system (I hope I have the adjectival form of Benin correct, apologies if I am wrong). Instead it is me wondering where to get the money to wire to my friend to get her home safely and get she and her daughter to a proper hospital.

Yes, this has been keeping me up at night.

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