Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ten minutes

Ten minutes, early in the morning. Noises from the neighbours' plumbing interrupt the silence. It is too cold to keep the windows open or there would be no silence from the early morning traffic. There is no real silence in the city, only a distance from the main roads at which one can perceive the absence of really loud noise.
It is dark out. The dark comes earlier and stays later these days, it is that time of year again. It is time to set the clocks back soon, an act that feels like a good idea at the time until everyone realizes that it is a human act with no affect on the universe. Commerce. In rural areas they don't like the time change because the livestock react badly.
Last night I had a dream about a ball python. The situation surrounding the dream was something going not as planned, and the snake was on my person the entire time. Snakes symbolize knowledge and darkness. Dark time of year is a time to reflect on things past and learn from them. Perhaps there are no secrets in this dream at all.
Morning. Time to leave for work. Soy lives in tea, tea lives in mug, mug is attached to hand. Extra shoes in the bag for tomorrow. Tomorrow features a distinct lack of dress code clothing. Tomorrow's specials include Blue Sweater for $5.49, Yellow Flower for $3.00 and Exoticism for $10.00 (or current market value).

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